Thursday, May 28, 2009

Detention? Moar liek REtention!

Which is moar liek "reTARDED!" So there, a two-degree burn!

Yeah, straight-A student, haven't gotten in trouble since first grade, when all of a sud- actually, let me tell you the first grade story first (pun slightly intended).

So there I was in the first grade. Okay, you got that? Yeah, little sweater and all. Anyway, we had to do a crossword or a word search or some shit for homework and I was like "Yo Miss G, fuck that noise, I ain't doing shit," so she gave me detention. During detention, there was nothing to do, and this kid Vinny (who would grow up to be extremely gay and extremely Guido) was there too, struggling how to read. Naturally, I spent the next 30 minutes teaching him how to read.

Anyway, I got detention again. From the teacher who I more or less curse out every day? Nah, from the one who people tell me I will probably be like in 20 years. The situation was vague, uneasy, and full of dead rabbits, so I won't get into details (if you're reading this blog you already know the story anyway. sup ryan.)

To make up for my pubescent high school tormented ramblings, here's Elvis Costello's new album. Dunno if it's good, but it's Elvis Costello, and I've rehosted it on effort-free mediafire for your convenience. Your welcome.

Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane, and Sugarcane

Monday, May 25, 2009

Find of the Last Week: C.I.A.

C.I.A.: Cocaine is Awesome. It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal. Cocaine. Is. Awesome.

Download C.I.A. by American Sneakers

Friday, May 22, 2009

I HAD A DREAM *shoves back forehead*

A few nights ago I had a very vivid dream that I won't soon forget. To make sure that I didn't forget it, I was going to write about it in the blog, but I ran into some troubles logging in that postponed this motion until, well, right now. Therefore, I preserved every detail by telling it to my wonderful friend Abbey. Sorry for using you, Abbey, but I assure you it will not be in vain!

And now, the dream:

Me (8:40:34 PM): so it's my first day at tufts, which is strangely taught singlehandedly by my psychology teacher (who went to vassar, no less), is actually a giant floating castle with a huge frozen lake, and even more strangely doesn't have you there
Me (8:40:45 PM): yet somehow i knew that it was tufts
Abbey (8:41:26 PM): hahah the not having me there thing makes me sad, but everything else sounds spectacular. especially the part about tufts.
Abbey (8:41:43 PM): and you
Abbey (8:41:46 PM): being there
Abbey (8:41:46 PM): for classes
Me (8:42:00 PM): well, there were no classes yet
Me (8:42:08 PM): so i went to the video library
Me (8:42:18 PM): and decided to rent a horror movie, because i haven't seen many
Me (8:42:25 PM): at this point, the dream becomes the horror movie
Me (8:43:01 PM): the setting is exactly the same, though it is no longer tufts, it is the summer mansion of my leprochaun-esque social studies teacher, who is having his evil stepsister over for dinner
Me (8:43:21 PM): my executive board and I catch wind of her plans to brutally murder everyone there, so we take precautionary measures
Me (8:43:50 PM): sadly, during the night, katelyn is killed by an evil nephew, and david shapiro gets third degree burns from molten bubble gum
Abbey (8:44:35 PM): still sounds lovely!
Me (8:44:44 PM): however, the evil stepsister resolves to kill my teacher via sneaky use of her three assassins: the evil niece, the evil nephew, and a SECRET ASSASSIN THAT IS ALSO THE TWIST AT THE END
Me (8:45:11 PM): so in typical movie fashion one night goes by and they kill one of us, and then we kill one of them the next night
Abbey (8:45:33 PM): this is a really long and compelling dream, i love it!
Me (8:45:45 PM): until there's only me and the SECRET GUY and the evil nephew left (who has mysteriously turned into a cat that I was convinced was a frog)
Me (8:46:51 PM): i engage in an epic battle with the nephew, which travels to such exotic locals as a bathroom stall and a subway train
Me (8:47:39 PM): though the struggle is mad tight, I prevail, and kill what was obviously physically a cat, though what i kept calling a frog, that was actually an evil nephew
Me (8:48:20 PM): daylight comes, and it's just me and my teacher left on our side. however, since i am the hero of the moviedream, i know that i do not die until the end
Me (8:48:26 PM): so it was my beloved teacher's time! D:
Me (8:48:40 PM): the thought of this filled me to tears with sad fear and anticipation
Me (8:48:59 PM): i couldn't bear to see the mysterious third assassin execute him, but i knew that i had to conquer my fears and do it
Me (8:49:18 PM): so we walk the ancient boardwalk that night when we come to the evil stepsister
Me (8:49:18 PM): alone
Me (8:49:23 PM): ...and walking her dog
Me (8:49:36 PM): who, at that precise moment, LEAPS TO HIS FEET AND WHIPS OUT A SWITCHBLADE
Me (8:50:11 PM): (the twist is that the assassin is the dog)
Abbey (8:50:18 PM): lmaoooo
Abbey (8:50:25 PM): the animals in this dream are superb
Abbey (8:50:27 PM): the cat/frog wins
Me (8:51:00 PM): anyway, though the dog kills my teacher, he's really very polite, and even gives me one of his knives for the final battle
Me (8:51:13 PM): however, at this point, the dream is nearly lucid, and i could feel myself waking up
Me (8:51:18 PM): so i woke up
Me (8:51:24 PM): and i never knew who won :[
Abbey (8:51:47 PM): awww i hate when that happens. did you try to go back to sleep and continue the dream? I always do that.
Me (8:52:18 PM): strangely, no. i was satisfied with the ending
Me (8:52:31 PM): i wouldn't have been able to kill the dog. he was really one of the only nice guys in the whole dream

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hooray! I am a writer! My proto-review should be premiering on the 405 by tomorrow the latest.

The guy who runs the site is in Britain, so our schedules are pretty askew, so timing and all should be a bit difficult, but as long as I have free time I'll be able to get stuff done. I may not be getting paid, but the experience is excellent.

To celebrate, here's Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. It's arguably one of the greatest albums of all time, and those arguing for it have damn good evidence. If you don't have it, get it now.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Find of the Last Week: The Skull Defekts

This is a neat little album that I found off Bolachas Gratis a couple days ago. "Neat little" is hardly an appropriate way to describe it, though. Menacing, powerful drums dominate the album, appropriately named "The Temple." I can easily imagine the album to be the soundtrack of a human sacrifice. Atlas by Battles ain't got nothing on the unending beat of "Unholy Drums for Psychedelic Africa," while other tracks, such as the closer "Urban Ritual," have a darker, more ambient feel.

Bolachas is an excellent music blog, perhaps the single best on the internet, with multiple albums up each day, every day. However, they have a pesky habit of hosting their files on crappy share sites like rapidshare or zshare, so I took the liberty to rehost the album on mediafire. You're welcome.

Download: The Skull Defekts - The Temple

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hello, my name is Paul, and I'm not German. I'm yet unsure what direction I want to take this blog in, yet, but I have a few ideas. As uninteresting as it sounds, I don't have many thoughts to share with the internet that I don't consider strictly private property, but this is due to my own issues determining what information I actually want to entrust to the public domain. Therefore, this blog will also serve a functional use in conjunction with a great interest of mine: music.

Since I don't have much musical talent myself, I would be resigned to post about the music of others if there weren't already 100,000 blogs other than this one already doing that exact same thing. Therefore, if I cannot get my hands on a piece of music before other blogs, I'll simply link to that music blog and share the love directly. I guess you can call this, in part, a Music Blog Blog.

Anyhow, I'm in the middle of trying to get a job at a neat new music reviewing site called the 405, and I'm on the verge of completing my writing sample, so I'll see how that goes.