Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fuck grammar!

Yeah, I said it. Grammar, one of the key underlying fundamentals of the English language, can go fuck itself. It's completely pointless, seeing as the "rules" of grammar can be easily broken while still maintaining an appropriate level of understanding. For example, take this sentence with "bad grammar":

I ain't learned no writing in English never before.

Now, to the typical grammar prude, this sentence would be laughably self-referential, since it's quite clear that the person who wrote it doesn't know much about the English rules of grammar. The humor is derived from realizing the writer's intentions, however, which not only makes the sentence clearly understandable with bad grammar, it also makes it hilarious. Now, take this sentence with normal grammar:

I never learned how to write in English.

Not only is this sentence correctly constructed and free of triple negatives, it's also a blatant fucking lie! Of course this person knows how to write in English, they just parsed a sentence completely free of grammatical errors. Can't get that shit done in babelfish. Unfunny and just as understandable, correct grammar only detracts from this sentence.

In summation: mistakes in grammar are hilarious and not bad at all. And no, this was NOT just a way to cover my ass for realizing that I said "your" instead of "you're" and "is" instead of "are" in a couple of my posts. This was intended for humor as well as retroactive ass-covering.

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