Friday, June 19, 2009

Am I making one continuous mistake?

Oddly, it turns out that when I don't have much time to think, I make the most poignant personal discoveries. The title is a bit misleading, as it's mostly just a reference to Pictures for Sad Children (read it if you haven't, it's phenomenal), but I have been musing about mistakes a lot and, well, turns out I make a lot of it.

Of course, to err is only human. But I make a lot of them. And not even material mistakes, like making a typo or knocking over a lamp. I've been trusting wrong people, making incorrect judgment calls, acting irrational and out of character, and accidentally choosing the greater of two evils. Does my unnatural penchant for erroneous behavior make me superhuman, then?

For now I'm going to leave that rhetorical and muse about a connected subject. One of my most worrisome mistakes is my social perspective towards leaving for college. My biggest problem, I realized yesterday, is that I put my current friends up on a pedestal. Many of my high school friends, I feel, are irreplaceable. With each of my friends, I've had a unique experience getting to know them, which gave them a sense of individual greatness, in my mind. With this mindset, I've had three best friends at once, and it's allowed me to enjoy the company of friends more than the average bear. However, it's also prepping me up for what could be a cataclysmic downfall as I go to college.

This mindset has made me virtually unable to deal with loss. Case in point: Cornell. I went there for three weeks, and made a few friends, but believe me, I missed them much much MUCH more than I should have for only having known them for three weeks. I can only imagine what's going to happen when I'm faced with the prospect of missing people I've known for twelve years.

So yeah, in retrospect, it's been a pretty big mistake to keep this mindset. Very recently, I've more of less lost two friends that I both considered unique and incredible, and a few others are quickly drifting away, as well. Something needs to change, but I don't know what. I could alter my philosophy, but what the hell is the point of having friends if you can't appreciate them?

Basically, I don't know what to do.

C'est la vie.

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